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  • What insurance do you accept?
    We accept the following insurance carriers: Medicare Blue Cross Blue Shield Cigna Aetna United Healthcare Healthnet Care First We are also contracted with a few HMOs, but not limited to the following: • Global IPA • Healthcare LA • Centinela IPA • Axminster • Caremore Most insurances do cover office-based surgery. In fact, in some cases, the surgery is covered 100% and your only out-of-pocket expense may be your office co-payment! In some instances, office-based surgery is not a covered benefit and may require prior authorization before the surgery. Our office will work very closely with your insurance company and inform you of potential out-of-pocket costs prior to your surgery.
  • How do I contact the offices of DFW Vascular Group?
    Please call our main number, 214-946-5165, or our toll-free number 1-855-LEG-HURT.
  • Where do I log on to my patient portal?
    Please go to:
  • Where do I park?
    For the main location in Dallas, the parking garage is located off of Colorado Blvd. For the other locations, parking lots are provided for the convenience of the patients.
  • How do I get to the offices of DFW Vascular Group?
    For the main location in Dallas, take I-35 to the Colorado Stree exit. You will enter the parking garage just after you cross the Beckley intersection. The office is located on the 6th floor, suite 625, in Pavilion II of the Methodist Dallas Medical Center facility. To reach the DeSoto location, you will take I-20 or US Highway 67 to Wheatland Road. Methodist Charlton Medical Center is located on Wheatland Road. Bolton Boone Drive is adjacent to the emergency entrance of Methodist Charlton, and our office is at 2801 Bolton Boone Drive, suite 105, just across from Methodist Charlton. The Arlington location is on West Mayfield, just across from Medical Center Arlington hospital, in Professional Building A, suite 240
  • Can my procedure be done in the office?
    In most cases, our procedures are done in the office setting. However, some patients with extensive medical issues are treated in the hospital when they may require overnight monitoring or intensive care. The decision for office versus hospital surgery is one your doctor will make, depending on your needs.
  • How do I prepare for my procedure in the office?
    What insurance do you accept? Preparing for your procedure in the Endovascular Laboratory You may need to have a pre-procedure clearance visit with your primary care physician. Please call them as soon as possible and make an appointment. Then, call our office and let us know when your appointment is scheduled. We will then fax over a request for all information we will need. Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before your procedure. You may take your other routine morning medications the day of your procedure with a small sip of water only. You will be contacted if you need to stop any medication(s) prior to the procedure. Please check with the nurse. Stay well-hydrated the day prior to your procedure (for instance, drink 3 to 4 glasses of your normal non-alcoholic beverage throughout the day) UNLESS you are on fluid restrictions. If you are on a fluid-restricted diet (dialysis, congestive heart failure, etc.), then drink per your recommended diet. You must be accompanied by someone who can provide you with transportation and witness post operative instructions. They may leave during the procedure but must be present afterwards. Plan on staying at the office for at least 5 hours. Bring ALL YOUR MEDICATIONS with you the day of your procedure. Dress comfortably for your procedure and please leave all valuables at home or with a friend or relative. If you have Advance Directives, please bring a copy. One of our nurses will contact you the day prior to the procedure. *** Please call if you have any questions or concerns. ***
  • What can I do after my procedure?
    After your procedure at the Endovascular Laboratory Because your reflexes are diminished after receiving anesthetic drugs, for the next 24 hours. You should not operate a vehicle, hazardous machinery, or appliances. You should not drink alcoholic beverages. Avoid making any critical decisions. You may eat anything, but is better to start with liquids, such as clear juice, soda, then soup and crackers and gradually work up to solid foods. Avoid spicy or greasy foods for 24 hours. Drink plenty of liquids, such as water, juice or non-alcoholic/caffeine-free beverages, unless you are on fluid restrictions. If you are not urinating a normal amount, call the office. Adult sponsor must be present to accompany the patient home and should remain with the patient for 24 hours. Once home, lie FLAT on your back keeping your puncture site leg straight. Avoid strenuous activity such as running up stairs, dancing, or lifting greater than 10 lbs for the next 5 days. If there is plastic dressing over the puncture site, you may shower. Do not soak in a pool, bath, or jacuzzi for 48 hours following the procedure. You may remove the dressing in 48 hours. Keep the site clean & dry. Watch for signs of infection which include redness, swelling, drainage at the puncture site, and/or fever. If the puncture site is sutured, the suture will need to be removed when you return to the office. If bleeding from puncture site occurs, lie down flat and keep the extremity straight, and apply firm, direct puncture over the puncture site and call your doctor immediately. Resume all prescription medications, as directed by your doctor. If a new prescription medication was given, it should only be taken as directed. If the doctor does not prescribe anything for pain, you may take a non-prescription, non-aspirin pain medication, such as Advil, or other ibuprofen medication. If you have problems relating to your surgery or develop any of the following: fever over 101, chills, heavy bleeding, inability to urinate after adequate fluid intake or any unusual occurrence, call your physician office. If you are unable to reach your doctor, you should go to the emergency room nearest your home. FOR EXTREME EMERGENCIES, CALL 911
  • How long is my recovery period?
    After the office procedure, you will remain in our recovery area for several hours before you are dismissed to go home. Typically, our patients spend the next one to two days resting. After that, most patients are back to normal activities. However, we recommend no heavy lifting or strenuous activities for at least a week.
  • What tests do I need before my surgery or procedure?
    The following tests are required prior to your procedure, which may be coordinated through your Primary Care Physician: • Recent History & Physical (H&P)| • Chest X-Ray • EKG • Cardiac Clearance • Bloodwork (Chem 8 Panel/I-stat) • PT/PTT
  • Will someone need to be with me during my procedure?
    A family member or friend will need to drive you to our office, be available in case we need them during your procedure, and then be here to take you home. You are also required to have someone with you for 24 hours after your procedure, to ensure that you are taken care of.
  • How long will my procedure take?
    Typically, patients spend a total of 4-6 hours in the office. This includes pre-operative, procedure, and recovery time. The typical procedure lasts one to three hours.
  • What tools do you use for my procedure?
    We use endovascular procedural supplies. These include sheaths, catheters, wires, balloons, stents, atherectomy devices, and thrombectomy devices. Typically, the entire procedure is performed through a small puncture hole in your groin, arm or leg.
  • Will I be awake during my procedure?
    In most cases, you will have intravenous sedation during your procedure. This is performed via an IV that is started in your arm or hand. A nurse anesthetist or registered nurse administers pain medication as well as medication to help calm your nerves. You will most likely be asleep, but will be able to rouse to commands and will breathe and move on your own.
  • Will I be in a lot of pain?
    It is our policy to keep your pain to a minimum. Anytime you experience pain during or after your procedure, you should be sure and let the nurse or physician know so your pain can be treated.
  • What should I wear to my procedure?
    You should come in comfortable clothes that are easy to take off and on, so you won’t have to exert too much effort to put your clothes back on after the procedure.
  • Who will take care of my wounds after the procedure?
    In most cases, you will have a small puncture site, stitched and covered with gauze and a clear bandage. You will keep that bandage on for a day or so, then take the bandage off. You will then be able to shower over the site, and keep it clean and dry until you come back and have the stitch removed. Our procedures typically do not require a large cut, so the care for your surgical site is very simple.
  • When is my follow-up appointment after my procedure?
    Following your procedure, you will have a follow-up appointment in one to two weeks.


Patient Forms
New Patient Intake Form - 2021

© 2021 by Vascular Management Associates

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